Saturday, 31 March 2012

Crochet Tale 4

Sitting on a very early train out of Delhi, having deftly tucked my pack under the seat, before the deluge of over-sized Indian luggage ensues, I get ready to finish off hat three. As I pull the necessary gear out of its bag, the clicking, clucking, babbling and curiosity of the surrounding women, whom I share the bench with, noticeably increases. As do the stares, pointing, nudging and general furore of my fellow carriage inhabitants. Anyone who has spent time on a general class and busy train, in India, will know, all too well, its seething possibilities of intrigue.
After the inevitable expressions of surprise have dispersed, the afore mentioned ladies, begin to take a keener interest in this strange looking foreigner, crocheting a hat. In my limited Hindi I gather they are all 'tika' (fine) and off for the Indian equivalent of a girl’s spa weekend. This is more meditation, devotion and yoga; than mani-pedis and cocktails. I’m sure, east or west; they'll share the same tendencies to gossip! Now the tables are turned and it's my turn. The one with the best English fields the onslaught of questions. What am I doing? Why? Where did I learn? Am I married to her now?! Can they all have one as gifts!?! These are just a small sample of the heavy question bombing I was being annihilated with. I struggle to reply to them all but the ladies are just getting the niceties out of the way!
Then the real lesson starts: supposedly I crochet all wrong or un-Indian. My polite nods and smiles are not enough to hold back these ladies! Before I know it, my tools are whipped away and the practical demonstration begins. Having been taught different methods, by different people, their way of crocheting was as alien to me as mine was to them. I eventually manage to coax my hat back and resume to incorrectly continue!
Funnily enough they are not the only members of India's female crocheting fraternity to try and explain the follies of my workmanship. Whenever I pull out my hook someone will try and show me the errors of my way. 'They began long before I could crochet', is all I try and convey to them
So after giving up my seat, to the lady that boarded the train whilst still on the waiting list, I take up residency by the open carriage door. Hat three is completed as the scenery whizzes by, the smells intermittently interrupt my concentration and the sounds, thankfully, are the beats coming from my headphones. Not the excruciating tinny Hindi noise blaring from a mobile phone! Hat four began on the same train journey but while its beginnings are here, its completion lays in another tale: one that deserves its own story to be told.

Ramble on.....................

Crochet Tale 3

Travelling in India is always one way to spur a person on, towards the ever blissful life, of what I'll call utter Indian insanity. A presence, where one's mind is forever at peace because you no longer have to make sense of anything!
This journey has been induced by a completely outside factor: the short falling of anot5her countries airline. While one of India's main airlines is failing to even get off the ground, my chosen airline, to return me to Perth, has decided I deserve better! More legroom, better food, free entertainment and not just to KL but all the way to Oz. Score one for Norval. They've also refused to change the date 'forcing' me to stay in India for 12 more days; score two!
I would love to make my way down to Kerala and visit young Vizzy. But 56 hours on a train, flying solo, there and back again, cuts into my stolen time quite drastically. Therefore, I'm going to Rambo it north. I owe a few people hats so south would have given me plenty of crochet loops. However, I'd probably be so hot I'd never have bothered my arse!
So North I go to Amritsar, I’m saying hat three could be accomplished on that journey. Possibly dossing around at the golden temple and the India vs. Pakistan border banter could yield number 4. After that I’m going wild. I found a temple by a lake, which looks epic and plan to hike up and camp there for a night. (I knew bringing a stove would be a good idea!)
Since I started writing this tale, the McLeod Ganj has made an unexpected appearance so my numbers could swell to 5 there. While I imagine the 6th could be made, under the guidance of the moon and stars, at the afore mentioned temple. After that I’m going to head south to the Fantasy Rock Garden, designed by Nek Chand, near Chandigarh, maybe a seventh! Then there's always my travel back to Delhi.
The reason this is 'Crochet Tale 3' is that I'm currently making the third hat. The first two tales are stand alone masterpieces yet to be written! The hats are, however, completed.
Ramble on..............

Prelude to the deluge.

So I've tried to be all techy and write blogs on my note app, on my i-phone. They're stuck there and i'm going to have to re-type them here. What is to follow is a series of 'crochet tales' based around a trip to northern india and my time expanding my hat empire. I'm currently needing to pick up a pair of blown out crotched jeans so you'll have to wait to read them! I will get them all typed up tonight so expect a long and loving morning reading the garble that you all know and love. Ramble on....