Thursday 4 November 2010


55 hour train journey? Nae bother gie us scrabble, which is what we did. I wasn't so sharp at the beginning getting trumped all the time by Fraser. But now, like the needle on a record player, I've found my groove. It's brilliant can't go wrong with Scrabble. I'm getting a couple of seven letter words occasionally and enjoying reading the dictionary and learning new words, like tintinnabulation.

I used it in one of my earlier posts you may remember. It's the tinkling or ringing noise from bells. Never a word I'll get out on the board but one for the arsenal of my vocabulary. But the reason I write is that I want to invent a new word. I got these letters the other day E, G, T, L, G, I, H.

I could see the light and had some options but then i came up with this little bit of genius THIGGLE. Now i looked it up and it's not in the dictionary (surprise, surprise). The more I thought about this word, the more I smiled, till I was having a little laugh to myself. That is in essence a thiggle or a thinking giggle.

So, next time you think about something and it makes you laugh, outwardly or just in your head, you've just had a thiggle. We've all seen people having a little laugh to themselves for some unbeknown reason. Now you know what it was. No, not chronic alcoholism, multiple personality disorder or just a slight screw loose they are just having a thiggle.

Get out there and enjoy it. Ramble on.......................................


  1. Thiggle - Someone who tries really hard to look like a thug but can't pull it off.

  2. Perhaps you need this:

    Thiggle is a good word.
